Simply News
News & Magazines
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Simply is the best-looking and easiest way to get the news you care about.
Each screen is a smart summary of exactly one article. Swipe quickly from page to beautifully-illustrated page.
Simply tailors your top stories from thousands of articles. You can’t miss anything important with Simply – and it’s fast and fun.
You can rely on Simply’s quality and performance. Award-winning apps by the Simply design team have been ranked #1 in over 30 countries.
Simply’s top features:
- 100s of robust sources examined to deliver comprehensive news
- Many US locations tracked to assure local news
- 1,000,000 articles analyzed monthly
- Every article intelligently prioritized
- Clear, compact summaries generated automatically
- Full-story text presented in a single swipe
- Personalized, relevant news derived from your search words
- News repository stored on your device keeps you informed even when offline
The "Pro Version" of Simply offers following advantages in comparison to the "Free Version":
- While the Free Version provides 10 articles per category, the Pro Version gives 30 articles
- While the Free Version allows for 3 own search topics, the Pro Version allows for 10
Simply users are saying:
***** Great app. Good information. Easy to use.
***** Many sources, impressive summaries, cool design. Recommended.
***** Does exactly what it claims.
***** That is a great app that I use constantly.
Twitter: @SimplyNewsApp
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Alice fights alongside the resistance movement in the continuing battle against the Umbrella CorporationResident Evil download Simply News free android app . Retribution is again directed this series with, who began this series with Resident Evil in 2002, and came back for Resident Evil: After Life in 2010. He also directed Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, Death Race, and the Three Musketeers last. Sony / Screen Gems brings Resident Evil: Retribution to theaters in 3D from 14 September this fall. Anyone interested?
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