Bible In A Year
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Bible in A Year
Integrated Bible reader with Christian devotional videos
by Pastor Dudley C. Rutherford
Read the entire Bible in 1 Year using a simple daily reading plan and be encouraged each week by devotional videos by Pastor Dudley C. Rutherford.
- Complete Holy Bible: World English Bible (WEB) - translation of American Standard Version
- 53 devotional videos
- Fast navigation by book or chapter
- 52-week Bible reading plan with integrated tracking
- Bible reading progress charts
- Bible Search by keyword
- Links to additional inspirational Christian content for your iPhone or iPod Touch in the Application Store
- Link to storefront where you can buy Books, CD’s/DVD’s, and Apparel
About Call on Jesus (
Call on Jesus is the preaching and teaching ministry of Pastor Dudley Rutherford, the Senior Pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles. Pastor Rutherford is a founding partner in CallOnJesus Mobile ( which extends his ministry to mobile phones and invites all ministers to join this new application. The ministry has a threefold mission to:
- Help people find Jesus and enter into a deep and personal relationship with Him.
- Accurately and clearly teach the Bible, God’s word, through sermons, devotionals, and other valuable resources.
- Offer hope to the hurting through God’s grace, forgiveness, and healing.
Bible in A Year © 2012 Dudley Rutherford and Call on Jesus.
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