среда, 30 июля 2014 г.

download Bayer 04 Leverkusen 3D LWP 1.4 apk free

Bayer 04 Leverkusen 3D LWP


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"Bayer 04 Leverkusen 3D LWP" is a live wallpaper for Leverkusen fans. You can turn the cube with your fingers. Please set the wallpaper in "Wallpaper --> Live Wallpaper"

In the center of the screen there is a 3D cube which carries photos of the team's famous players. There are also two different backgrounds for selection.

The cube has three rotation modes:

1. default is rotate automatically

2. rotate freely with the user's finger

3. fix the cube at a certain angle

You can set these options in "Settings" of the wallpaper.

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This guy catches a lot of flack for his work back in the twilight, but that has DiCaprio when Titanic came out download Bayer 04 Leverkusen 3D LWP 1.4 apk . I'm not saying completely, that one day we see in the work of Robert Pattinson with the same reverence as the filmography of Leonardo DiCaprio, but working with an acclaimed autuer like Cronenberg repeatedly is definitely a solid way of one step that sparkling vampire shade.

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