среда, 1 октября 2014 г.

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Watch the teaser trailer for Neveldine / Taylor 's Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, via Apple:The world's darkest hero rides again! Columbia has the first teaser trailer via Apple started for Mark Neveldine / Brian Taylor new Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, once again starring Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider download apk . Oh hell yes, this is the revelation I've been waiting for everyone to see, because the Comic-Con! This is why I see this movie tough to think, no matter how bad the first one was, they have this right back to where it should be placed. I love that anything, but anything, but hardcore, gritty action, and I love some of the shots, as the camera back from the cliff - unbelievable. You have to see this!

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